George Lopez featuring Blue Beetle | Review & The Return of The List | Spoilers

If you enjoyed the movie, I’m fine with that. It’s not my intention for you to dislike the movie.

Let’s get this out the way – REPRESENTATION MATTERS! However, that shouldn’t overshadow the fact that this movie is just not that good and at times extremely corny.

So my knowledge of the Blue Beetle is about slim to none. I know the character exists and that’s about it. This movie was my formal introduction to Jaime Reyes and it that did not go well. If this movie is what is supposed to kickstart the new DCU, then we are in for a bumpy ride.

Blue Bettle was way too similar to the Shazam movies and relied too heavily on the real star of the movie, George Lopez. The plot, caharacterization, pacing, villains and characters were extremely weak and lacking in overall interest.

Now, on to the list (haven’t written one of these in a while):

I did not give two fucks about Jaime Reyes. One of the most boring and uninteresting character to hit the screen in a while. He was muy genérico.

The movie was way too predictable. I knew 10 minutes in that the house was either going to get burned down or blown up. I was right.

The sister was cool.

The father’s death had -0 emotional impact and I saw it coming from a mile away.

Geroge Lopez carried the movie. Take him out his character and the movie goes from ‘average’ to ‘basura’.

I would like to know where Jaime got his belief in not killing because clearly his family did not give a FUCK!

Did the writers forget that characters need backstories?

It was way too convenient that the family had answers to every problem. Like, if they needed a nuclear missle, Uncle Rudy just happened to have one in the closet.

I wish the movie had expounded on the major plot points. There were just too many weak and lazy explainations to push (drag) the plot along.

Alternate Movie Titles: Geroge Lopez and La Familia, George Lopez & The Blue Beetle.

I really did think the neighbors were coming to fix the house. NAW! They came to have a cookout.

Did the Reyes’s really believe that Jenny Kord WASN’T going to help them out after all that shit?

Talk about a useless villain. Poor Susan Sarandon. Complete waste of talent.

Harvey Guillen deserves better. Guillermo de la Cruz deserves better!

Nana was…mmm….corny. Vasquez did it better.

That Caparpax flashback at the end…WTF! Now we should care about him? He really didn’t do much to make me hate him anyway, but that’s how we are going to handle this?

Ms. Marvel Lite. LOL

Overall, I give the movie 6/10. Could have been much better. So much wasted potential. Should have been a (HBO) MAX mini-series. If this is how the DCU is going to start, then buckle up, because it’s goingto be a bumpy ride.

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