Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars Rumors (Updated)

Happy New Year everyone!

With the start of the New Year, my resolution is to blog more often. I’ve been really lazy about it over the years. What’s the point of having a blog if I’m not going to use it. So the goal for me is to write a blog post at least every othe day.

Let’s see how success this becomes.

Anyway, on to the rumors!

There is a lot of buzz on Twitter and Reddit about the next two Avengers movies, Kang Dunasty and Secret Wars. Much of it has to do with the fact that plot detail have been leaked. The leaks come from reliable sources who have been at least 70% – 80% correct on leaks in the past. A lot can change between now and when those two movies drop, but the rumors are at least worth looking into.

First up, apparently, we’ll be seeing our first “incursion” in The Marvels. If you aren’t familiar with what an ‘incursion’ is, I’m not going to explain it here because it’s so much, but you can read all about them here. Incursions are some serious shit.

Incursion of two universes.

MCU: What Is an Incursion?

Another wild rumor is that Tobey Maquire’s Spider-Man and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine will meet.

“New Avengers” will show up in Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars will feature heroes from other universes. who those New Avengers are is just speculation, but I’m sure that it’s the remaining. It also looks like some villains may be returning!

This is a big one! If it is true, then this changes a lot. The Beyonder will be in the next Avengers movies.

All of this sounds pretty wild but it’s not impossble. Just to give you an idea of how correct these rumore could be, the same leakers leaked the plot for Spider-Man: No Way Home over a year before the movie premiered, which ended up being about 85% correct.

So what do you think about these rumors? Do they make you excited for the next two Avengers movies?

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